2 - 4 Years Old
Our Mini Leaders room is an important steppingstone between pre-school and school. While in this room, children develop skills and abilities which they will build upon during their time in pre-school.
This stage provides an initial introduction to phonics and grasping further concepts of number. Children will spend time developing their interpersonal skills, allowing them to grow in confidence across a range of social situations.
We understand the importance of outdoor activities and pride ourselves in providing a range of opportunities to continue learning in an external environment.
Skills That Children Will Learn
At Little Leaders, our practice is underpinned by the statutory framework known as the Early Years Statutory Framework (EYFS). This sets the UK standards for learning, development and care for children from birth to five. There are seven interconnected areas of learning and development, including three prime areas that are most essential for children’s healthy development, namely ‘Personal, Social and Emotional’, ‘Communication and Language’, and ‘Physical’. Four further areas of development strengthen the three prime areas, and they are entitled, ‘Number’, ‘Creative’, ‘Understanding of the World’, and ‘Literacy’.
We continue to engage our Pre-School children with relevant activities designed to promote all areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) curriculum, thereby encouraging each child’s independence.
- Social Skills
- Self-Help Skills
- Cognitive Skills
- Communication
- Gross Motor Skills
- Fine Motor Skills
Our Approach
Our curriculum is designed to help your child gain self confidence and self esteem. It enhances children social, language, emotional and physical skills which also encourages children to develop with the staffs help by extending their learning.
Upon registration, each child will be assigned a key person. A key person is the member of the team who is there to greet the child in the morning, to provide comfort to them if they are upset, to play and enjoy time with them and be the one, whenever possible to offer intimate bodily care. This staff member will also have other children for whom they are a key person.
This key person will have planned with the family when the child will start at nursery, how they will work together to introduce the child and settle them in; how they will combine efforts to make sure that life at the nursery and life at home are in sync together.
Outside we have a large children’s outdoor play area which is safe and secure for children to be able to explore nature on a daily basis. This consists of a secure area for our children to be able to play safely, a soft play surface area and a climbing area to help promote and stimulate development in all areas including motor skills, balance, co-ordination and so on.
Our sensory rooms offers children rich and varied experiences which will enable children to enhance their senses. Our sensory room is a great place for children to connect mindfully in a calm space and unwind from the busy nursery room.
moving on
Transition to School
Starting school is an important milestone for every child and their parents. At Little Leaders we believe that when children leave our nursery to embark on the next chapter in their lives we must do all we can to support and celebrate this transition, ensuring the children are well prepared for the next stage in their learning.
We understand that change and transition can be stressful and upsetting for both parents and the children. We aim to support this transition by making sure each child will be ready to start school, will be ready to learn, make new friends and be ready to start their new journey.
With this in mind, we plan activities such as, role play, uniform, books on starting school. We also make links with feeder schools and plan visits to the school. We invite teachers from feeder schools to visit the children in their comfortable learning environment. Each child will receive a transition report at the end of the summer term before leaving nursery.